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Bergman e la sua musica sfuggono a qualsiasi tipo di catalogazione, di ingabbiamento, le improvvisazioni hanno radici nell’insegnamento del free ma poi seguono percorsi assolutamente personali, tra musica accademica e Schoenberg, assecondando il flusso continuo ed inesauribile delle idee.
In One More Time il pianista di Brooklyn trova con Giorgio Dini un validissimo interlocutore, un orecchio aperto e disponibile a sostenerlo nelle imprevedibili peregrinazioni sugli ottantotto tasti d’ebano.
Quello che si può rimproverare all’album è una certa aura eccessivamente accademica e austera, una comunicazione che viaggia quasi esclusivamente a livello di corteccia cerebrale, e centellina le palpitazioni del cuore.
Elenco dei brani:
01. One More; 02.
Autograph Two; 03. Hustle; 04. Enough for His Keep; 05. Equitable;
06. A Patter of Footsteps; 07. No More Cosmetic.
Borah Bergman (piano); Giorgio
Dini (contrabbasso).
Stile: Improv
Valutazione: 3 stelle
Data di pubblicazione: 11 July 2008
A left hand which is unique in the history of Jazz, a right hand whoch seems to receive uncontrollable impulseby its partner-hand, and the dangerous crossings, busy, genial between the ten fingers.
He is Borah Bergman, 75 years of wiseness, of experimentation, of discreet, dark work far from the spot-lights, and with a straordinary admiration by the collegues.
Bergman and his music get out of any classification or cage, the improvisations have roots in the teaching of Feee but then follow very personal paths, between academic music and Shoenberg, following the continuous and endless flow of the ideas.
In One More Time the pianist from Brooklyn finds in Giorgio Dini a very valuable counterpart, an open ear whioch is aòways available to support him in the unforecasted path throught the keyboard.
Just one remark, the album has a bit of a academic athmosphere, a communication which is cerebral and is getting short heart beats.